Let’s Go
(Way) Beyond Douthat’s “Decadent Society” to Address America’s Rot…
Stimulated/inspired by Ross Douthat’s The Decadent
Society: How We Became the Victims of Our Own Success
Book. Subject. Topic. Very good, I agree with many
points ... only ... I would take it one or five steps further. Douthat doesn't
go far enough in taking Americans to task and that's a shame because while
Americans don't like to hear it and while Americans are too sissified to handle
any bad news as they bury their heads in the sand, the facts are we are soft
and weak, people are lazy and entitled, dumber each generation (and various
conspiracy theorists have plenty of reasons dating back from generations to
centuries of intent on the part of US leaders shadow leaders). Americans have
lost all critical thinking and reasoning skills -- skills most desired by major
employers now but a reason they're having to recruit from international
universities instead of taking the "teach for the test” Americans,
very few of whom are prepared for shit upon graduation. Everyone gets a blue
ribbon for participating, kids are bullied, which while I admit has taken on a
more serious and despicable tone, EVERY damn generation of kids in
history has been bullied, my wife and I among them. Did we freak out, commit
suicide? Shit! It's called Grow A Pair or Grow a Spine and deal because it's
great training for what you'll find in life and in the workforce later in life,
where the younger generations can't take criticisms of virtually any type. I
was brought in to fire those types. We expect comfort and leisure, but I'm not
sure why because unless you're one of the 10 or 20% at the top, those are
basically gone for good. And here's the thing that really gets me. Americans
think we're so badass. For decades the "ugly American" has tortured
the world with demands, with bragging about how if it weren't for the good ole
US of A saving your lousy pansy asses in TWO world wars in the last hundred
years, you'd all be speaking German. There are so many reasons for people to
resent Americans just for that because not only is it arrogant and snobby, but
it's literally dead wrong. WW 1 was largely over -- a huge trench warfare stalemate
which had essentially been for over a year while the Europeans in charge tried
to broker a peace. Then, depending on which historian or conspiracy theorist or
whoever you listen to, President Wilson decided he wanted in on the act -- and
there are lots of reasons and plenty of resources, so he sends a million men
over there about the time the rest were going to give up and go home, resulting
in extending the war over a year and casualties by an ungodly amount. And after
that, American historians and politicians like to try to hide the fact that he
sent American troops to the Soviet Union to HELP them, such as guard the
Chinese border, camp out in Siberia and built the Trans-Siberian railway
for them, and US bankers sent craploads of money over there and all of this was
hushed up, but the point is, the US not only didn't "win" WW 1 and
save Europe, but we made it much worse.
But what about WW 2? We won that, right? Well,
we like to tell the world that. And it's total bullshit. Some basic facts --
and not John Wayne movies -- can point out some basic truths. When did the
war start? Yes, late summer 1939 when Germany AND the Soviets invaded
Poland. And when did America enter the war? Yes, years later after most of
Europe west of Berlin and much of northern Africa had been decimated and the
Brits were the only ones keeping the entire region hanging together and
they were about to go under, but by then, it had been years. So we
"entered the war" with great fanfare, only it was with the Japanese
due to Pearl Harbor, but somehow everyone declared new war on each other in
Europe. But did we go to Europe? No! We went to Africa to help out the Brits,
which we did. And then eventually from there, we made our way up into the toe
of Italy where we faced Mussolini's non-existent armies, non-existent tanks,
non-existent air force, non-existent weapons and the Italians all of a sudden
decided they'd have enough of the fascist and they wanted out, which annoyed
the hell out of Hitler cause then he had to divert a couple of divisions down
to Italy to hold off the Yanks and the Brits. Which they did. Pretty
effectively. So D-Day, right? We kicked ass on D-Day and saved Europe, right?
Well, maybe, but when was D-Day? June 6, 1944. But did you know that Allied
planners had originally been planning for such an invasion for one year
earlier? Secretly? And do you know what cynical critics say is the reason why
that didn't happen and in fact it took an entire extra year before “the weather
was good enough” for us to get there? (Please don't misunderstand. I lost
family members on the beaches there and throughout Normandie. I'm not
anti-American. I'm anti-STUPID American!) Well, Hitler bit off more than he
could chew when he foolishly invaded the Soviet Union and he had to
divert not only nearly all of his armies to the eastern front, but recruit
others from Finland and other neighboring countries to join AND also insist
that Romania send its army (along with the inept Italians) into southern
Russia, etc. And they were slaughtering each other, which accomplished two
things for the western allies. One, we knew a beach landing and invasion under
heavy fire would result in horrible causalities but the longer the Germans were
occupied with Russia, the fewer there would be to deal with because they
were getting killed by the bushels, so facing old men and children seemed much more
appealing to us. Second and more important, we never WANTED to be allied
with Stalin -- he was Hitler's ally at the start of the war and invaded Poland
along with Germany. They were allies until Hitler double-crossed Stalin.
Many American and British government and military leaders already viewed the
Soviet Union as our next big -- and likely much worse than Hitler -- enemy, so
while we were rooting for the Reds to kills off the Germans, we were thrilled
that the Germans were doing the same to the Soviets. It was fucking ugly.
Oh yeah, as far as D-Day (“Operation Overlord”) goes, the casualties WERE
horrible, but the US was far from the only ones taking them with the invasion.
If you don’t know this you need to. There were five beaches designated
to be invaded, all given “code” names which were Utah, Juno, Gold, Omaha and Sword.
Of these five beaches, the US was given Utah where the 23,000 man 4th
Infantry Division took roughly 200 casualties. Omaha was supposed to be the worst
and it was also given to the Americans. The US 1st and 29th
Infantry Divisions faced off against one of the few remaining badass German
Divisions and casualties were predictably high – about 2,000. However, the
British were assigned Gold Beach and with a Canadian division faced virtually
no opposition compared to Gold and moved pretty far inland. An aside. How many
of you knew that not only were the Canadians involved, but a damn whole lot of
them at that? Having lived several years in Canada, even while a young lad, I
learned about that. Because while the US was responsible for two of the five
beaches (intentionally and erroneously often telling our students we were virtually
the sole invaders and took virtually all of the horrific casualties, which is
simply not true and yet so typical of American propaganda), the Canadians –
with far fewer forces at their disposal – not only participated on assaulting Gold
Beach with the British, but they were responsible also for Juno Beach! And I
don’t know the figures off the top of my head and don’t have the time to look
them up, but Juno was fucking BRUTAL and the Canadians took it in the ass
really, really hard and were lucky just to get on to and hold the beach by the
end of the night. Sword Beach, the fifth one, was the responsibility of the
British and not only was it brutal, but some might argue it was the one that
was least successful, in the sense that the invaders did not meet their
objectives and barely held off a ferocious German counterattack. All that said,
the invasions never suffered the terrible casualties so many planners were
worried about, with estimates basically looking like of the 155,000+ Allied
forces on Day One, “only” 4,000 were KIAs (as well as additional wounded and
missing). While it’s tragic to lose anyone in war, war is hell as they say and sustaining
“only” 0.026% casualties compared to both planned estimates and what could have
been was very nearly a miracle. Finally, as an FYI, there weren’t only US,
British and Canadian troops involved. The Free French and the Poles insisted
and were given serious responsibilities in the invasion as well, as such was
deserved. So again, not to sound like an anti-American blasphemer, but the propaganda
that bragging Americans love to spout about how bad ass we are and were and how
we took horrible casualties on D-Day while saving Europe, the Jews and the
world is kind of bullshit as we were responsible for only 40% (2 of 5) of the
beaches, half of which were nearly devoid of opposition and casualties. In
essence, we played at best a role slightly larger than the Brits or the Canadians,
but actually less than the two combined. Still wanna brag?
Another major WW 2 point and I'll move on. Ever
look at the WW 2 casualty figures? America had about 450,000 casualties --
which is horrible. But still among the fewest of any of the majors in the war.
Without having the time to look up the actual figures, the Brits lost a few
more, I think the Italians lost over a million, the French lost about a
million, shitloads of Poles died obviously, Romania lost a damn million (and
you never hear about that!), Germany lost 7 million, tons of other countries
lost more than their fair share -- it was horrible -- but do you know how many
soldiers and civilians the Soviet Union lost in WW 2? Nearly every conservative
estimate places the number at a minimum of 27 MILLION people! I don't know the
facts off the top of my head, but I'd wager that's more than all of the Allied countries
combined. And it was brutal too. Those on the Soviet western front got to
experience what most of Poland did and they're still discovering hidden mass
graves where people (especially Jews, but others too) were lined up and
murdered relentlessly. When Americans brag about "winning" WW2 and
saving Europe and the world, please remember we did NOTHING of the sort while
we continue to brag endlessly and insult countless people who had to live
through hell no continental American ever had to worry about. The damn Soviets
won and with very serious blood paid at that.
Now I've gone on too long and it's
late, so a quick example or two. One, there are experts at the graduate National
Defense University and elsewhere who have written books (Donald Stoker is one)
on the subject that most people don't want to bring up, if they even know about
it. With all of our money, our tech, our training, etc., how come the US does
such a shitty job at warfare??? Over half of our national budget and we get our
asses kicked by seeming-prehistoric people who wipe their asses with their
hands? And now we want to take on both Russia and China when we haven't won any
conflict or war we've been predominantly engaged in since before 1950 if not
going back further? If that ticks you off, don't blame me. Blame the American
government and military. Read the history, literature, the experts who will to
go there. We haven't won a fucking war since we Helped in the cause for WW 2!
And yet we beat our chests and issue threats to the rest of the world that they
better play by our rules or else. Any wonder why China doesn't seem too scared?
Why other countries are so terrified of our threats that they engage in
proactive cyberwarfare against us daily and increasingly where it can’t be seen
so easily, space conflicts that will lead to warfare on that front as well? Or that
there are a number of burgeoning regional hegemonies now? We're known as the
most violent society of earth. There are more guns than people in this country.
Our homicide rate is higher than the next 10+ 1st world countries combined. And
we have no intention of fixing that. Our kids watch the bloodiest movies and
shows, play the most insane FPS games,
Game: Half-Life (Valve) |
and yet... Those of you old enough
to remember Somalia... Mogadishu. Do you remember? Black Hawk Down?
Black Hawk Down (2001) – Columbia Pictures |
Battle of Mogadishu – The Mirror |
Gruesome movie, but war is hell. And
what happened? American saw a sad picture, but one others see every day in many
other parts of the world -- corpses. American corpses. We saw Black Somalian
crowds dragging mostly naked (at least one WAS naked, white genitals exposed to
the world) dead WHITE US soldiers through the streets of Mogadishu while they
laughed and partied and our collective stomachs got sick and we started
screaming WTF are we doing there?
Credit: IconicPhotos |
[For what it’s worth, I intentionally
left out the photos of the completely naked and mutilated body of a dead US
soldier being dragged through throngs on the streets of Mogadishu. For what it’s
So what happened? Took no time for us to cut and
run! Cause we're chickenshit. And to my horror apparently we've also been as
racist as ever and just hidden it too. The past 5-15 years have more than
proven that. We go back to the safety of our pretend fun FPS killing games
while elsewhere little girls going to the stream to wash clothes in their
villages face the prospect of having the limbs blown off by US mines (and
Soviet) all over the world daily. And what have we heard since? NO Boots on the
Ground! Air Force only. And now drones. All of which have proven to be
ineffective (read the stats on Vietnam if you doubt me -- take a look on the
number, type, frequency of munitions dropped on N Vietnam alone, the horrific
shit it did and just how horribly it caused them to want to cut and run --
which would be NOT AT ALL! Because they were strong and dedicated and we were
there against our will [our soldiers, not the damn politicians], didn't know
why we were fighting and dying, what was being accomplished, what the lies
about the daily body counts were about, why we were even involved in what
seemed more and more like a civil war the US had taken sides on and was driving
at the expense of everyone and for what exactly?) because you NEED BOOTS ON THE
GROUND but badass killer Americans are so gutless and weak that during W's
Iraq, the government started keeping the media from getting near planes
returning with filled coffins covered by flags and they were no longer allowed
to show them on TV ... because America didn't have the guts to handle it. We
can offer our hypocritical hollow "thought and prayers” (which makes me
want to puke) at American mass murders, drive bys, gang wars, white domestic
lone wolf terrorists preying on minority, "liberal" and other
perceived (it's called brainwashing) "enemies," with the last group
of which many Americans now know the FBI and other agencies have labeled as the
biggest security threat to this country. Not Muslims, not brown immigrants, not
Spanish speakers, etc. Wannabe Aryans "Killing In The Name Of" White
Jesus, white christian nationalists, violent white separatists, Fascists or
fascist wannabes, fans of autocrats, "antigovernment"
"Outsiders" who become Insiders but insist they're still Outside,
brainwashed, braindead, psychotic ignored, neglected and Pissed Off nihilistic
kids in need of serious help (Columbine was a good starting point for that
discussion) AND their goddamn FANS, most disgusting of which has been Anne
Coulter, who exposes so much blood lust for "The Other" (nearly
everyone not white, insane conservative and full of shit) that it says
something disturbing that these people are even allowed mass media audiences in
which to egg others on to murder and sedition. We find these people in our
christian churches. Yes, it IS that simple. And if you seriously believe Jesus
was about peace and love and that's maybe been corrupted by some current
religious leaders, you haven't read your holy book -- just the devotions your
churches urge you to read cause the Bible is just so, well, big and heavy and
boring and shit. Jesus said he came to "divide" families, turn
families against each other, split the family unit up, and yeah, he also
instructed his new group of clueless zombie disciples to go buy swords -- sell
their cloaks if they needed money to do so -- and this is peace and love? And yes,
I've seen and read christian apologists try to explain these, usually in "fulfilling"
prophecy, but there is so much scholarship and evidence available now that
shows virtually none of this so-called "prophecy" a) applied - got
taken out of context, which ironically is what these apologists says this sword
passage has done -- b) was completely made up (especially by Matthew) or never
existed, c) was twisted so very badly and obviously to fit the gospel authors'
agendas, d) were (purposely) misinterpreted again to fit agendas, etc., and
that doesn't count the massive discrepancies in the gospels alone, such as
which of the two birth, hide/flight, return to the public stories do you
believe in because it buggers the mind to say you believe in both. And yeah,
most of you forget there are two different ones from two different times that
do not coincide with each other, but theologians work bigger miracles than the
disciples to get things to fit, so WTH? (The fact that there is no independent
or even literal evidence that "Nazareth" physically existed at the
time the messiah allegedly lives is another laugher...)
So anyway, how do you like them apples? (Back to
the present) We sure do feel fine about assassinating towel heads from the air,
right? Back to the more main point of the book. America IS decadent. Just look
at the pandemic starting around April 2020 in the US. Americans used every
excuse in the book to call bullshit on scientific reality and why? Aside from
what we would learn were a shocking number of crazies around, it was
INCONVENIENT! It kept people from the bars and clubs and churches and beaches
and schools and on and on so people broke rules, led by ditto brain, and
insisted on their "religious freedom," which was bullshit because I would
support that IF it involved just them. If you want to Jim Jones it, to play
Russian Roulette with two chambers loaded, be my damn guest, we need to thin
the herd anyway. But what people didn't GET and then didn't give a shit about,
led by our christian community, was that not only was it potentially suicidal,
but HOMICIDAL as well, and what about MY freedom to not be near an invisible
killer coming straight from church, which was the first place they all started
getting sick and dying even while they still denied it (oh yeah, the country
that led the world in inventions, new tech, etc., was now a country of science
haters and deniers and its citizens continued to pray to their fairies in the
sky while completely disregarding their god's orders, rules, commands, etc.,)
and on and on, but the fact that EVERYTHING was more important than not only
your life, but your damn neighbor's life -- who gave a shit about them anyway?
-- that Republican leaders wanted to have the elderly volunteer to fucking DIE
for the sake of the others, the children, the economy, etc. (the Texas
governor, an Indiana rep, etc. And they weren't leading by example, remember!).
How far off from Mengele was THAT? Those of us with brains and hearts thought
there were some sick fucks in this country who might say that, but surely there
were only a few. Then came ditto brain's maggots, KKKers, skinheads, white
christian nationalists, racists, violent separatists, and now they were
mainstream and there were tens of millions of them and where the hell had they
been hidden, but it was obvious now that America was a country full of rot at
its very core, hidden under Hollywood faux glitz, and it turned out tens of
millions of Americans WANT fascism instead of democracy -- are fascists,
without even understanding the history of that term, nor the actual definition
-- and we want to enjoy our martinis and our new Trek bikes and getting rid of
the Section 8 housing down the road to build new condos and upscale
developments so yeah, this general concept kinda, sorta resonates with me in my
own way I guess. Americans are a sad people, pathetic, an embarrassment to our
ancestors and while it's horrible that "innocents" have to die
because of psychos, these are the people who have been saying for centuries that
all babies born are born guilty and worthy of death and eternal torture because
of some alleged myth a couple of people allegedly did thousands of years ago,
and while I can hold grudges for life, I tend not to be such a goddamn bastard
as to sentence an entire species I claim to have created and love like my own children
-- like the one I'm going to send to commit suicide to save these children who
are guilty by association and everything about that just reeks of the most
ludicrous lines of non-reason, ration or brain function -- you sentence
billions and billions of people to eternal damnation cause a couple of people
none of the others ever met screwed up one time??? That is insane psychotic! What
sicko does that? Oh well, a Hitler. Stalin. Ditto brain. Pol Pot. But even put
together, none of them could ever match what this imaginary freak people
worship is given credit for having done. And he's worshipped! And we wonder why
other civilized nations look at us in wonder while laughing their asses off at
our stupidity. Or they were laughing until the American Taliban started killing
for Jesus. Not so funny now. Book? Recommend? Oh, I recommend a lot of things,
beginning with educating ourselves about our country's history (Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto
Rico, Philippines, etc., et al), about reality, about politics, about
brainwashing, about many things, and yeah, how the US is rotten with lazy,
entitled, spoiled, WEAK people who can't and won't face fact-base reality just because
they don't like it and their own fantasies are now their own realties.
Welcome to a dystopia the best sci
fi writers in history could never have come up with in their worst nightmares.
February 2,
Scott Holstad